Is there parking nearby?

Guests at Wallmans receive a 40% discount on parking at the nearby Mølla P-hus when using the APCOA FLOW app. Steps 1 and 2 can be completed beforehand, but wait to enter the discount code (step 3) until the day of the show to prevent it from expiring. Note: This only applies to spaces reserved for APCOA FLOW—look for signage in the parking garage. Here’s how:

  • Download the APCOA FLOW app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Register a profile and a payment card.
  • On the day of your visit to Wallmans: Open the menu, select “Discounted Parking,” then “Add” and “Register Discount with Code.” Enter the code Wallmans2024. Note: The parker is responsible for ensuring this is done correctly. Wallmans is not responsible for any fines.

When you have parked and before leaving the car: Select the parking duration in the app and press “Start.” The discount is automatically applied to your parking fee, giving you a 40% discount on day parking (up to 24 hours from the time of parking).

Wallmans Oslo Address

  • Official Address: Wallmans Oslo, Mølleparken 6, 0459 Oslo
  • Main Entrance Address: Mølleparken 4, 0459 Oslo
  • Parking Garage: Mølla P-hus, Sannergata, 0557 Oslo